A Successful e-Truck Roadshow Event and Historic Declaration in Brussels
Truck Test
Test ... ECTA will be hosting an event to showcase the future of electric trucking in Europe
E-Trucks Show
Show .... ECTA will be hosting an event to showcase the future of electric trucking in Europe
The first-ever demonstration of zero-emission trucks organised by the European Clean Trucking Alliance held in Brussels on Thursday 27 October was a huge success!
Here are the key moments from that day!
- Signing of the Joint Declaration by major parties outlining an unprecedented step towards an ambitious EU policy on the decarbonisation of road freight transport.
- A debate with policy makers in the European Parliament live-streamed from Autoworld Brussels, the official venue of the event.
- More than 80 test drives of e-trucks done on Brussels roads with some of the latest models available on the market
- Exchanges with key players from the trucking sector in Q&A sessions and conferences.
For images of the test drives and additional coverage of the day’s events, see our gallery of images below, and social media posts on Twitter, LinkedIn.
Media Gallery
Ambitious Declaration Signed to Speed Up Decarbonisation
The Roadshow witnessed the signing of an important joint declaration outlining an unprecedented step towards an ambitious EU policy on the decarbonisation of the road freight transport industry.
The declaration – signed by key stakeholders from major transport companies, shippers and charging infrastructure operators – sends a collective message to decision makers on the willingness and readiness of the trucking industry to transition swiftly to zero-emission road freight vehicles.
It signals the need and urgency for EU policy makers to establish bold roadmaps to help reach zero-emission road freight transport, including:
- Ambitious CO2 HDV standards to drive further the development and availability of zero-emission vehicles and map a trajectory to go fully zero-emission during the 2030s;
- A fast and ambitious roll out of public recharging and refuelling infrastructure, to ensure zero-emission trucks can run on European roads. Private charging at depots should also be supported;
- An incentive framework to support the use of zero-emission vehicles and make them the best alternative to fossil-fuel vehicles.
Hot Topics at the Live Debate
The event in Brussels concluded with a debate, watched by more than 39.000 viewers, on how the EU can boost the transition to zero-emission trucks to help address the climate challenge live-streamed from the European Parliament studio.
Clément Beaune, French Transport Minister stated “Accelerating the decarbonization of road transport is a necessity to help achieve the French and European objective of carbon neutrality in 2050.”
Ahead of the Roadshow, the Alliance crowdsourced ideas, submitting the key insights to the political leadership of the EU.
More than 70 proposals on road freight decarbonisation were received from across Europe, focussing on four pivotal themes:
- CO2 standards for trucks
- Charging infrastructure
- Batteries and e-trucks availability
- Countries’ readiness for e-trucks.
In attendance:
Karima Delli
Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the Transport Committee

Marian-Jean Marinescu
Member of the European Parliament and Committees on Transport and Environment

Charlotte Nörlund-Matthiessen
Policy Adviser in the cabinet of Commissioner Adina Vălean, Commissioner of Transport

Lars Mårtensson
Environment & Innovation Director, Volvo Trucks

Frank Verhoeven
CEO Vos Logistics

Clément Beaune
Minister Delegate for Transport of France

Exclusive E-Truck Test-Drives!

In a first for Europe, the Roadshow included exclusive e-truck test drives on Brussels roads.
E-trucks from leading manufacturers Volvo Trucks, Renault Trucks, Scania and BYD, as well as ECTA member Nestlé were available throughout the day for participants, including decision makers and the media to experience first-hand.
With more than 80 test drives done, attendees’ impressions of the e-truck test drives were unanimously positive, especially how quiet they were on Brussel’s cobbled roads
Exchanges with key players from the trucking sector in Q&A sessions and conferences
During the day, participants could hear perspectives from logistic & transport companies and shippers, from truck makers and from electric vehicle charging operators in several roundtables about the electrification of road freight transport.
At the meetings, ECTA members contributed their ideas and solutions on how to effectively transition to zero-emission road freight transport, including AB-In-Bev, Nestlé, Contargo, van der Wal, DPDHL, Geodis, Integre Trans, ICCT and T&E.
The speakers used this ideal platform to showcase the present and future of electric trucking and discuss different industry perspectives on the importance of shifting away from fossil fuels to greener, cleaner, and more energy-efficient solutions in the road transport sector.
“This landmark event shows how ready we all are to push forward with the decarbonisation of trucking in Europe,” said ECTA spokesperson and Contargo representative, Kristin Kahl. “We are not only committed to decarbonisation, but taking concrete steps towards zero-emissions in road freight transport. We now expect the EU to put in place the right framework to facilitate this transition including stable and affordable costs for green electricity”.
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