Webinar on working conditions of zero-emission trucks’ drivers

Date & time
The European Clean Trucking Alliance and Ricardo led a study to look into whether zero-emission trucks can improve the working conditions of the drivers, especially regarding the absence of exhaust fumes of the combustion engine, a reduction in vibration and noise, charging breaks, etc.
At the occasion of the publication of this study, the European Clean Trucking Alliance hold a webinar on 20 September 2023.
You can read the full study here and watch the recording of the webinar below.
Karima Delli
Member of the European Parliament & Chair of the TRAN Committee

Andres Kilstein
Consultant Sustainable Transport, Ricardo Energy & Environment

Raluca Marian
Director of EU Advocacy and Brussels General Delegate, International Road Transport Union (IRU)

Tom Peeters
Vice Chair of the Road Section of the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) & Deputy Federal Secretary Road Transport and Logistics at BTB-ABVV

Kristin Kahl
Leader Sustainable Solutions Management, Contargo & Spokesperson of the European Clean Trucking Alliance

Sarah Walker
Programme Manager Transport, European Climate Foundation (ECF)